Monday, June 29, 2009


I left my camera with the bike adventure photos at my mom's house, so more on that soon, once the camera gets here. In the mean time, here is a little vacation snippet...

On the tail end of the vacation, we were able to swing by my parents' home. It happened to be that my mom and stepdad were taking ponies to a vacation bible school. (The ponies belong to a's a long, connected, community story.) Anyway, being the resident pony expert, I got to play a role. :-) Here's me with the niece and the pony we named "Bean" for the day, as in Pinto Bean.
And here she is on her first pony ride! She's a natural, I think!


  1. Your little niece is growing up quite nicely.

  2. Sweetest picture! How fun that must have been for everyone. Can't wait to see the bike adventure pictures. Glad your back.

  3. I'm happy to hear that you arrived home safely. Those are cute pictures.

  4. Pinto Bean. Love it. :) What a fun way to wrap up the tour.

  5. Welcome Home!

    What a cutie pie your neice is! :)

  6. I can't believe how big she is already!


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