Monday, July 06, 2009

Brewing Tea on the Bike

I made a wonderful discovery on the Katy Trail bike ride. I can cold-brew a thermos of tea while I'm riding, and it's a wonderfully refreshing treat. Plus, caffeine provides a boost to my athletic performance. :-) I chose Mighty Leaf sachets because they are biodegradable. When I'm ready to depart, I pop in a tea sachet, screw on the lid, and take off. A few hours later, I have a wonderful drink. And the water stays cool, compliments of the thermos.

Thanks to a fellow bicycling family, I am set up with stainless steel bike water bottles. (I prefer them over plastic.) The front one is from Greenfeet and has a bike-friendly top. The second is a Lance Armstrong-branded thermos. (I don't care about the branding, but it is designed for use on the bike.) I use it as a holder for extra water. And, in this case, to brew my tea!

To my cycling friends, note the photo below. We've discovered that plastic water bottle cages work much better with the metal water bottles. They slide in and out without metal-on-metal resistance. The Girl Power sock helps keep the thermos from rattling. Plus, I think it's cute.


  1. That puts a whole new meaning to "tea on the go." :)

  2. Great idea and much nicer to have tea rather than plain water.

  3. I am enjoying the bike trip. And now tea too! Ahhh! the simple life is good.

  4. Now that is impressive! Only a true tea lover would do that.

  5. What a great idea! Love how you combined biking and tea in this post!

  6. Anonymous4:47 AM

    You are so resourceful! Love it.

  7. Congratulations on a successful bike ride.

    I love seeing your water bottles in use. Great idea using one to make tea!

  8. One of my favorite teas is a thermos tea as well. I use a thermos with a glass interior --- and usually make it hot. Calli (Sunrider Herbs) tea bags are added along with stevia. Steep until ready to drink --- several hours. It is SO good --- always better than when made in a teapot, for some reason. We enjoy road trips just so we can have some!

    Your bike trip looks like alot of fun (and hard work). How interesting to have a shower-semi!



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