Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Summertime Pleasures

The pleasures of summer. Some things, like making blueberry jam from berries picked with friends, make me smile even when I don't feel like it.
Blueberry jam

A fragrant and cheery day lily

Rainbow chard


  1. Well, Steph I haven't been on the site in a few days so I just got caught up on your travels. I'm so impressed! Great job to you all that finished OR even started. You are a tiny little thing too! LOL!! You really have to be for the endurance that that much riding entails I suppose. And, what beautiful scenery. Don't you think things seem to look even prettier when you are on a bike? You can see more as well as better than through the car windows and you're up a little higher than walking...I just like it so much more. But I'm not a 'real' biker- just a pleasure rider on occassion. I used to ride for fun a lot when I was young- I need to consider getting back into it- (just not as serious as you) Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I think eating that homemade blueberry jam would make me smile! Those are nice photos from your garden, too.

  3. Teresa - I agree! Bicycling is really amazing!

  4. Aren't summer days just the best? Love your summer travels, including making blueberry jam.

  5. I love what you did to your jam jars!

    Fresh produce from the garden, picking blueberries, and making jam are some of my favorite things about summer!

  6. Your pictures are beautiful! John is looking forward to some blueberry jam!

  7. What beautiful photos! And it was nice to see all the biking photos while you were away and we were patiently waiting for your return. (I loved that story about the winery growing mushrooms, and the scenic tour you gave us was the best!)


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