Saturday, August 01, 2009

Long Gone


I loved my long hair, but I'd had it for several years and was tired of fighting with the tangles. As my hair stylist told me yesterday, "You have fine hair - but girl! You have a lot of it!" That means tangles, and lots of them. So, farewell tangles! I'm sure I'll miss the variety of styles with the long hair, but will enjoy the faster shower time!

Long gone...
This is the new cut. 14 inches off and a 12-inch braid to Locks of Love! This photo is a good example of what it actually will look like, not when I'm fluffed up for the camera. I had just walked in the door from the Farmer's Market. I'm sweaty and windblown. Real life - real hair. :-) I like the new cut. Never had it like this before.

A funny thing - in addition to the "no more tangles," I was going for the slightly more professional look. I have to make a trip to the work mothership in August and meet with some super powers. I thought I'd give myself the advantage. The funny thing is the DH thinks this cut actually makes me look younger. Just what I need! Once again, to be mistaken for the intern. LOL (laughing out loud)! What do you think?


  1. ADORABLE! But your long locks were beautiful too.


  2. I LOVE IT!!! you do, however, look very young...but professional!! I'll call you later!
    Love ya,

  3. I think it looks great!

  4. Aren't you fortunate to have fine hair, but lots of it. I think your new cut suits you very well and will still be quite versatile. Nice to have less maintenance too.

    My eldest daughter Meredith cut her hair not long ago and gave it to Locks of Love.

  5. I thought your long hair was absolutely gorgeous, but this new cut suits your face better. I love it!

  6. Love it! Oh if I had long hair I would cut it and donate it too. I wish they had something like that years ago. Great hair cut.

  7. Really, really cute! Wow - your long hair was thick - all the way to the bottom!

  8. Love it. I actually did the same thing about 6 months back...only 12" for me though...but we got almost the same cut. :)


  9. I agree with DH! Younger AND more polished -- so win-win, all the way around! I once had about 10 inches of hair chopped off, and it was fun watching people's shocked expressions for the next week. Enjoy!

  10. I think it looks GREAT! And good for you sending to locks of love. My daughter did that with her hair. I wanted to get mine long enough, but just couldn't take it. Anyway it really looks good and professional and yes you do look younger.

  11. I think it's wonderful! it frames your face beautifully. I did the locks of love thing a couple of years ago too, as did 3 of my daughters. I think it makes getting your long hair cut off really something special.

  12. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I. LOVE. IT. !!! A win/win situation for you *and* a Locks of Love recipient!

  13. Aww, you look adorable! You look like a dear friend of mine, actually. Great cut!

  14. I am LOVING your new look. Thank you for donating your beautiful long hair to that organization. Such a great gift you have given and one that money can't buy!!
    Someone will be SO blessed by your offering.
    Good to see you Steph. I've been out of the loop "wedding planning"...HA!
    Hang in there...

  15. Steph, I LOVE it! I too cut my long hair off back in September and donated it to Locks of Love. I had my long hair for about 15 years and I had cut it off short twice the the last time was 15 years ago. My hair grows so fast it only took me 4 years to grow it long again. I am going to let it grow to just below my shoulders and do and different style. It is so liberating isn't it.

  16. Jill "Hester" Bleskey11:11 AM

    I can't believe how long your hair was. You look great both ways. You still look just exactly like you did in high school (That's supposed to be a compliment:)
    Whenever you come home next, give me a call. We have years to catch up on.
    Jill "Hester" Bleskey

  17. I love your new hairstyle! You look beautiful!

  18. Holy cute Batman! Love it! :-)


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