Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Weekend, in Doodles

Do you doodle? I do! I often doodle while I'm in meetings or otherwise engaged. As any good teacher knows, it doesn't mean I'm daydreaming. It simply means I'm activating another part of my brain. Perhaps, because of the doodling, I will retain even more. I wish all teachers understood this.


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend!! :) Just so you know...Mom's bday bothers her a LOT more than mine bothers me...we'll see how I feel at 40, but 30 is no big deal...besides, I feel more like 30than 80 which is an improvement over the past few months! Let's celebrate! :)

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    You girls better be nice to your "ole" mom this weekend. My age isn't so bad, but the age of my daughters bother me:)

  3. Now I can add talented doodler to your list of accomplishments. I should see if it works as a memory enhancer for me. ;-)

  4. Your doodling is lovely and has great style!

    And it's fun to see your sis and mom on here!

    And ... are you going to share what your sister's good news is? Inquiring minds, you know!

  5. When in a meeting, yes I doodle. Luckily there are not many meetings these days. You have great, artistic doodlings.

    Happy celebrating to your mom and sister. 30 is a good age to be, 40 was even better.

  6. Hope you girls are having a great weekend! One that surpasses even your doodle dreams!

  7. I doodle all the time...Your weekend sounds like it was great!

  8. You've got it! I always learn much better when I doodle!



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