Tuesday, September 08, 2009

End of Summer Pleasures

I hope you had a restful weekend. Mine was just what I needed. I spent some time celebrating, some restorative time at home puttering, and some heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul time with the DH (dear hubby).

We have lots of tomatoes (thanks to our neighbor)! I've made two batches of fresh tomato sauce. (My recipe is here.) This year I added fresh basil, too.
It's been a divine summer in terms of weather. I took advantage of the pleasant weather this weekend and spent time sitting on the front porch, writing letters. I enjoyed blackberry cobbler with ice cream and a cup of strong black tea.

Yesterday, the DH and I went on a bike ride through the country and saw lots of fall wildflowers. I'll try to get some pictures soon. They're so lovely!

I hope your transition into fall is going smoothly. How do you make time for yourself in this hustle-bustle season of beginnings and endings?


  1. Usually I have to force myself to take the time. It is with a walk in the neighborhood that most gives me this time of quietness.

    Happy Fall Season!

  2. I'm still feeling my way into fall and the new commitments and schedules it brings. Your post is a good reminder to find moments to enjoy the season and nurture myself . . . perhaps with some cobbler and ice cream!

    We had a really great visit with your grandparents on Sunday. The boys were putting on a show, and there were lots of smiles!

  3. Steph, you're going to make a wonderful writer. You make all of your post come to life with the descriptions. Thank you for sharing with us.

  4. This is my favorite time of year to slow down and enjoy fresh air and sunshine!

    I'm going to decorate for fall today!

  5. Nice photos - I bet that tomato sauce with basil is just delicious. How lovely for someone to receive hand written letters from you. Not many people take the time for handwritten correspondence these days.


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