Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tea by the Seasons

I'm being drawn to oolong teas this fall season. In the spring and summer, I opt for lighter white and greens (not every day, but often). As the weather mellows in the fall and we start to get more rainy days, I enjoy oolong tea, that master of night and day. Oolongs are among my favorites. I love how they combine the properties of green and black.

Do you change your tea with the seasons? Take the poll on the right, and happy autumn!


  1. I LOVE tea when it's cool outside! I tend to change teas with my mood more than with the seasons though. :)

    Chamomile when I'm feeling earthy, Chai when I'm feeling feisty and an herbal orange blossom with honey when I am feeling calm. I also drink Ecinechia when I am under the weather!

    And mostly only in the in the fireplace...snow lightly falling...knitting or crocheting in my lap...(sigh)

  2. I do find my tea choices to be influenced by the seasons and the weather - first flush Darjeelings in the spring, lighter whites and greens in the summer, darker teas as the weather gets cooler and then cold. Oolongs are perfect for the fall with their ripe fruity character!

  3. I do like to try new teas, but I must admit that I drink my favorite hot black teas all year long regardless of season or temperature.

  4. I do change my teas with the seasons though I drink green all year as well as plain black. But in cooler months I like to drink spicy teas with orange, cinnamon etc. And in the warmer months I like lemon, white teas, berry blends and iced.


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