Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Costumes, Tea-Themed

If you're still thinking of a Halloween costume, consider these tea-themed ones. (Images from various places on the web.)
A paper mache teapot! SO cool! Read about it here.

Mad Hatter costume, from Amazon

Pebbles, serving tea

Seriously, though, my favorite costumes are those creatively put together (like the paper mache teapot), not the purchased kind. Here are some that would be easy to pull together:

  • A matchmaker serving a brew guaranteed to bring love into your life
  • A gypsy (with a fish bowl for a crystal ball - I did this one year), reading your tea leaves
  • Mary Poppins (black dress, umbrella), serving tea
  • Instructions for sewing a tea bag costume

OK, clever readers, what tea-themed costume ideas do you have?


  1. That paper mache teapot is adorable! I would love one of those... but where would you store it? For our annual garlic dinner we always dress in costume. One year I made a 'quick' tea bag costume with two pieces of cardboard thrown over my shoulders and a large tag attached... didn't take a picture at the time, but people knew what I was!

  2. Too bad I don't have girls! :(

    You should make the teapot for Lola when she's a little oder.

  3. No ideas, but I love your ideas. The paper mache teapot is fun!

  4. I'm low on creativity just now, but one of these days . . .

    I do love that tea pot costume!

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I think a boy could go as a tea leaf and perhaps I could as an adult. Or maybe a teacup wouldn't be too feminine though a lot of premade teapot costumes are for the girls.


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