Sunday, October 04, 2009

Weekend Meandering

It's been a great weekend! Not much planned, which is rare for me, and something I think I need more of.

Yesterday I meandered through the Farmer's Market, purchasing some local, unpasteurized Swiss cheese and hot peppers. Then I happened by the French window. I gave in to the siren's call of hot chocolate. The conversation was as delicious as the drink. "Oh, you want some hot chocolate? Good! My hot chocolate is wonderful. It is bitter." She says this with a French accent as she's plopping on whipped cream from the bowl it was whipped in. Mmmmm. And she was right. The bitter chocolate worked well with the sweetness and the cream. Wish I'd had my camera! I don't know her recipe, but I think this one might be close. See the first recipe on the last page, but the full article is worth the read.

I came home from the library with a stack of books about living in small spaces. I spent some autumn sun-drenched time browsing through them with the DH. I look at the general concept and he goes for the finite details. He points out what he likes and how he envisions it (he's way more visual than I). He also shows me how we'd never see what's in the photo in real life because they've manipulated the furnishings. Or look - that mirror was anchored so poorly into the dry wall, it's gonna fall down! It's refreshing to walk away with an inspiring concept, but to realize that these house photos are fantasy. No doubt they have a foot in reality, but they shouldn't be compared to real life. And somehow, it's very funny.

Dreaming and laughing is good medicine, because it keeps me from getting in a twist about things I can't control, but desperately want to. Like Corporate America and the economy.

Last night, we went to a bonfire. I think at least one of these each year is good for my soul. There were about 20 or so people, and I was entertained by the wide variety of s'mores making. Some people were burners, others the patient lot (that's not me), waiting for the marshmallow to turn golden brown all around. I tried a new s'mores variety - with Reese's cups. I recommend it!

I've been tempted, but have resisted, checking my work e-mail.

Today, we're just hanging around and then taking a long bike ride through the hills and bottoms that I dearly love. I hope you're enjoying the weekend!


  1. sounds like a great weekned! We had a very nice one as well...busy with Randall family time! We went to the Little Egypt Festival yesterday, then to Kyla's bday party and weenie roast last night. Then today, we went to a pumpkin patch with Josh, Lorie & Hailee! Lots of fun...but now I'm exhausted!!

  2. I wanted to mention the photos of me in the green scarf are by the DH. (I promised to give credit to photos I don't take.)

  3. Tell your DH he did a fantastic job on the photos of you! So lovely and carefree -- great shots!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I'll now look at my design books in a new light - thanks.

    Your new profile photo is very nice. Your hubby did a good job.

  5. I did have a great weekend too, but your's sounds a lot more restful. Something I've got to get into a lot more often also.

  6. That's a beautiful photo of you!


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