Thursday, November 12, 2009

Apple Tart Thing

I don't know what to call this. Got any ideas? It's an apple tart thing or torte. Whatever it's called, it's delicious! Apples tossed in cider, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, a bit of whole wheat flour, and a wee bit of sweetener of choice. The crust is something the DH made up. It includes whole wheat flour, flax meal, cornmeal, sunflower seeds, shortening, and apple cider.


  1. I would just call it the "APPLE YUM YUM!" Sounds so good!

  2. Oh, wow, that looks good, like something from a high-end food magazine! The DH and I are trying to incorporate flax seed into our diet, so I'm intrigued to hear *your* DH used it in a crust. I may follow suit. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I would call it a tart because it's open-faced, not covered with a pastry.

    Looks very pretty!

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Tell Tom it looks delicious, and ask why he didn't make it while I was there:)

  5. It looks so good. I am planning to make something similar tomorrow, an Apple Upside Down Cake.

  6. Looks like it would go wonderfully with a nice fire in the fireplace and a mug of tea! :)


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