Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tea Bits

Have you seen the winners of the Calm-a-Sutra tea video competition? There are some really amazing ones! Check them out on your tea break.

In other tea news...Adagio has a new tea blend - Bacon Tea. They may be playing off the popular chocolate-bacon candy bar. The tea is blended with a lapsang souchong base and apple and caramel flavorings. I would try it, yes, but I'm not sure I'd like it.

Two tea-entrepreneurs in North Carolina and Tennessee are forming a society to reach out to organizations that support young women, such as Girls, Inc. Read more here.


  1. Not sure I would like a bacon tea either.

  2. Interesting tea. I would try it too, but not enough that I would buy a tin.
    Wish the new society was closer to me, I would love to get involved.

  3. I love the idea of creating a society to help girls...not so sure I would like the bacon tea, but I'm willing to give it a try, if given the opportunity! Thanks for letting us know about it.

    God bless,


  4. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Steph, thank you so much for your mention of girls inc. I take tea at kathleen's tea room here in nc and I am thrilled to learn about this new endeavor.


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