Saturday, December 12, 2009

Make, Ship, Green

More marshmallows and persimmon-cookie making for me this weekend. Anybody know if these marshmallows will freeze?

With the persimmons, I'm glad to return to the whole wheat, non-white sugar plan. (I used a mix of sourghum and honey, both local).

I boxed and shipped some gifts today. I was reflecting that most of the gifts were handmade or local. I can't say that I planned this strategy, but it shows how the buying local value has seeped into my life. I'm very happy about that!

We're going to help trim a tree at some friends' home tonight. I'm looking forward to this quiet, meaninful evening - minus the holiday hubub and expectations to be twinkly.

Here area few good articles I've read recently. Enjoy!

10 ways to enjoy the holidays that have nothing to do with buying presents

Recycled wrapping paper

E-how to a green Christmas - One caution; I work for a high-tech company and feel compelled to pass this careful with those e-cards. Use only ones from very reputable sources. They are a common spyware carrier. If you're unsure about opening one, check first with the sender.


  1. We always recycled wrapping paper, ribbon, too. We also had a box that became a joke, to see who would get it this year.

  2. Marlena and Steph,

    My Auntie who died many years ago used to shop at a Baltimore based store called Woodward and Lothrop. She called it "Woodies" and every Christmas we all had Woodies boxes with something nice in them under the tree. My Aunt and Woodies are long gone, and I have one Woodies box left that I use to keep my ribbons and bows in. For some reason that Woodies box--tattered at this age--means a lot to me.

    Merry Christmas. I am going for a campus walk with my family today and then to sing in the Chorus of Handel's Messiagh. Two more non-buying ways to celebrate.

    xo Amy

  3. Amy - what pleasant memories. It's interesting what we choose to associate with a person!

  4. Anonymous4:43 AM

    We're enjoying the tree so much. Thanks to you and your husband for sharing that time with us.

  5. Thanks for the tips. I love that your gifts are home made, those are the very best.

  6. Thanks for all the great info! Homemade gifts are always the best aren't they?
    Steph, I hope your CHRISTmas is filled with peace, love and hopes of a wonderful new year.


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