Monday, December 07, 2009


I feel like a fairy godmother today, because I'm pleased to announce that not only will I be sharing my original giveaway package, but the nice people at are pitching in with prizes, too, and generously so! A half pound of tea from their website to a handful of lucky ducks. Thank you!

By the way, SO many of you asked about homemade marshmallows. I'll blog on that tomorrow!

And the winners are....

My prize winner:

Teaflection prizes:

I'll be connecting with each of you privately for shipping info, etc.

Again, thank you to all and know that I'm grateful that you visited.


  1. Congratulations to all the winners~

  2. Well how lovely! And I'm so glad you can use that extra catalog I threw in. I just couldn't bear to throw away something so pretty, and you were the *perfect* one to have it!

  3. Congratulations to the winners and to you on the book release! I'm sure that is a wonderful feeling :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Hi Steph, I posted about this on my blog:

    Thanks again for the giveaway!


I value your comments, thank you!