Thursday, January 07, 2010

Busy Month

January is going to be a busy month for me. I will do my best to blog frequently, but I expect some gaps. Hang in there with me, and send me thoughts of health, organization and a level head. :-) I'm in the final sprint towards a very large work event in early Feb.
*Photo from Microsoft Images


  1. Life seems to be going at warp speed for me too. I'll be thinking of you as your work event nears completion. Don't fret over infrequent posts - we'll keep coming back. :-)

  2. Honey, I like your stuff so much, I can be very patient and will pray for a good month for you. Just remember to "have a nice cuppa tea and a sit down" for your sanity's sake

  3. I feel like that photo sometimes, but not this week, mercifully! Take care of yourself and we'll be waiting!

  4. Take care! You can do it!!

  5. Deep breaths, 5 minute breaks, hot cups of tea. You can do it girl, we have faith!

  6. Good luck with the project and other events in your life. January has taken off very full for me too. I can't believe it. Maybe next week it will slow down a little.


I value your comments, thank you!