Sunday, February 07, 2010

Hope Springs Eternal

It is 41 degrees as I walk to the library today. The sun bounces brightly off the melting snow. Everything glitters. My head is uncovered while I walk, a first in months. My personal dark days of winter are over. Spring is here for me, for earth. Beneath this snow, the life force stirs. The green nubs of daffodils poke through the soil. The paper whites we planted on New Year's Day perfume the air. The forced quince opens its blushing petals. Hope springs eternal, and none too soon.


  1. wonderful post! Sorry we missed your call today...had a bday party this afternoon for Morgan. I will try to catch you tomorrow!

  2. AZ Tea Lover7:56 PM

    Love the photos! Your photography skills are improving by leaps and bounds! I am looking forward to forcing paperwhites of my own. The quilt in the background behind the flower buds is strikingly beautiful.

  3. You should save this post for a poetic journal someday. No pictures were even needed with this one. Your beautiful words said it all. Here's hoping you have a glorious spring (both inside & out)

  4. Same here, when I see the signs of spring bursting from the earth my heart lifts in song. We made it through another winter.

    The roses are beginning to sprout, the crocus are blooming, and the daffodils and tulips are showing their green leaves.

  5. Ooooh, I am itching to get outside and play in the dirt. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Lovely post and photos. Thanks for the link to the poem.

  7. I love the fragrance of paperwhites!
    so cheery !


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