Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Iron-Jawed Angels

Have you seen the movie Iron-Jawed Angels? It's excellent - I highly recommend it! (You can likely find it at your library. It's an HBO special that's been out since 2004.)
It's a story about early American suffragettes. It stars Hillary Swank, Frances O'Connor, Anjelica Houston, Julia Ormond, Patrick Dempsey and many others. This story is fictionalized, but based in history. From the website, "Iron Jawed Angels tells the remarkable and little-known story of a group of passionate and dynamic young women, led by Alice Paul (Hilary Swank) and her friend Lucy Burns (Frances O'Connor), who put their lives on the line to fight for American women's right to vote."
This movie needs to be shown in all high school government classes. It motivates me, and it would have lit a fire in my passionate high-school self. (Note: there are some graphic scenes in the jail portion.)

Aside from the message, I loved the film for the hats! Oh, such eye candy! And look for the tea references. I've tried to pull a few of the tea/hat snapshots to share here.


  1. I look forward to seeing this movie. I love the hats as well!

  2. This is a great movie! We watched part of it in my Intro to Women's Studies class.

    And I completely agree with you- those hats are fabulous!

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    This movie was extremely inspiring. As I'm reading Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States', I'm thinking of those women and so many others that fought for rights and recognition against huge odds. Thank goodness some were successful.

  4. Yes, I would like to see this movie. Thanks for the link to the site with the movie trailer.

    It looks like the costumes and sets are great - and especially the gorgeous hats.

  5. Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like a movie I would enjoy.

  6. I've studied Alice Paul in a class called The History of Feminist Thought. I'll be sure to check out this film.

  7. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Thanks for the recommendation. I will find this movie.

  8. I've watched it several times, love the clothes (and hats) Hillary Swank is brilliant. Good choice to pass on.


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