Friday, March 19, 2010

March 26 - Climate Care Day

Climate Care Day - A Day Without Travel
March 26, 2010

Work from home on Friday, March 26! Avoid business travel and save commute time plus reduce your carbon footprint!

I'll be participating, but of course I work from home already. I can attest that working from home is a highly effective option. I get more done (because I have fewer interruptions). I save a lot of money in not buying petro, and I significantly reduce my negative ecological impact. I do travel via plane for work on occasion, but have been able to reduce that travel by the use of video conferencing . (Check out Skype, a free web video chat tool.)

Note: I will soon no longer be be working from home. A big move is in the plans. But even in the new place, I plan to walk/cycle/take the train to work! This is such a priority in our lives, that we are choosing where to live based on proximity to the light rail and to the office. I do not believe that individual metal boxes are the healthiest nor most ethical choice for me. I'm thrilled to see a coordinated effort targeted at businesses to recognize the value of NOT traveling/commuting for business. Read more at the website.

"Climate Care Day is intended to raise awareness of the importance of climate change - the 21st century’s number one environmental issue - and demonstrate how simple choices can make a significant difference to the environment. It recognises the importance of the planet to both the business community and our personal wellbeing."


  1. Good luck with you move. I will try to pay attention to Climate Care Day on March 26th. I know I try to consolidate travel these days.

  2. I think working from home is a great idea! My son and my other son's girlfriend both work for an awesome online business as programmers and designers. They love the freedom it gives them! As long as they have Internet connections, they can work from anywhere.

    Success with your move! I hope it is to our beautiful part of the world.


  3. Good for you Steph. Although I will never give up my car (unless forced too!)out of respect for those who do, I will try to stay home on the 26th.

  4. Thinking of you and your upcoming move! Happy Birthday!


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