Monday, March 08, 2010

Mondo Beyondo

I'm taking the March class of Mondo Beyondo! This is an "online class about dreaming big" and was a gift from my Mom for my bday later this month. One of the first activities was to print out a sheet of affirmations, add my own, and put them in a bowl for daily reflection. I chose a special tea bowl.

I'm looking forward to the class! If you are interested in this concept of dreaming big, visit the Mondo Beyondo website and the superhero journal.


  1. This makes me think of a quote by Maggie Wandrin "Shoot for the moon...even if you miss, you'll be among the stars.

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration.

  2. My Mondo Beyondo was a gift from Husband - I need to photograph mine now, too! Exciting, isn't it?

  3. wow - what a great present to receive from your mom! love the light in the pic, thanks for sharing it. seeya in the class.

  4. Great idea! A March birthday, hooray! March birthday's are the very best.

  5. I love that you're doing this!! Hope to see you at the shower. :)

  6. I gotta hand it to whoever wrote this, you've really kept me updated! Now, let's just hope that I can come across another blog just as interesting :)

  7. What a lovely gift from a mother. . .


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