Monday, March 15, 2010

Puddle Wonderful

spring when the world is mud-luscious

and it's spring when the world is puddle-wonderful

Note: Lines in this post are from the ee cummings poem In Just.


  1. I love that poem adn I love the boots and I love the fact that it is finally mud season, which means Spring has sprung
    The grass is riz
    I wonder how the birdies is.

    Ours are quite chirpy, thank you and I saw robins and heard a meadowlark yesterday!

  2. What perfect pink boots for mud puddles. Oh how I wish I could have some boots like those to splash in puddles too.

  3. Love those pink Hello Kitty boots. The pictures of your neice are really cute.

  4. For a sec there I thought those were going to be *your* boots (which would have been fine!), but how truly puddle-wonderful they are on your niece. Sweet!

  5. Absolutely adorable!! I wonder if they come in my size?!? *big smile*

  6. Wow! Great pictures!! She has said several times that she misses you!

  7. Aw she is so cute! Love the boots.

  8. I did a double take when I saw this post. We just bought the same boots for Madelyn 2 days ago!


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