Thursday, April 22, 2010

Celebrating Dirt

Happy Earth Day!  Today I'm celebrating dirt, the source of so much beauty.  As my DH, a fabulous gardener, likes to say, "It's all about making dirt." 

Here are a few other nice sayings I found as I was perusing a copy of Mary Jane's Farm magazine at a bookstore.

"A garden is a grand teacher.  It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all, it teaches entire trust."  Gertrude Jekyll
This saying reminds me so much of my grandmother!

"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom."  Audra Foveo

"I saw an act of faith today.  A man was on his knees, not in a pew in a church, but in a garden planting seeds."  Unknown author

The purple lilac photo is for Esme. Happy birthday!


  1. The other day, I visited the campus of Swarthmore college, where I found a garden of lilacs. Each bush wash a different variety. Being as curious about aromas as I am, I took it upon myself to smell each one.

    I was surprised that each one smelled completely different! They all smelled like lilacs, but some smelled more like grapes, others a little bit like queen Anne's lace, one smelled like an orchid.

    Your photo reminded me of this experience!

  2. Your DH must me an amazing gardener, your Lilacs are beautiful! A very happy day to you this Earth day. If it stops raining I'll be digging in the dirt in my garden today.

    Thanks for considering the tea swap in the future, but not now, you have a lot on your plate, I know how busy moving is. Does that mean you are also leaving a beautiful garden? Leaving my garden was always the worst part of a move.

    Blessings for an abundant day!

  3. I'd love to claim credit for this photo - it's gorgeous! Alas, it's not my handiwork.

  4. It IS all about the dirt mostly, along with the sunshine, the water & God. But that dirt is darn important! I too loved the comment on "flowers" in Mary Janes mag. this month. Have a great a day Steph.

  5. Many thanks Stephanie! Lilacs are my favorite...

  6. That thanks should have been posted from me. Thanks for all your kind birthday wishes.

  7. I love these quotes, especially since I've gotten into gardening in a big way this spring. (And I was thrilled to find a beautiful lilac in bloom at my parents' new house over the weekend!)

  8. Mary Jane's last magazine had so many wonderful tips in there I couldn't help but buy it. I especially loved the idea for bathing outdoors.

  9. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I LOVE the title of this post. yes, we all should do more celebrating of dirt!!! At our house we have a wonderful black compost bin that magically turns kitchen and yard scraps into beautiful black dirt. I do love dirt.

  10. The lilacs are lovely. We had three different colors of lilac bushes in my parents small yard in Toronto, as well as snowball bushes.

    I liked the quotes.


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