Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Matcha Salt

Matcha is a powdered green tea traditionally used in the Japanese tea ceremony.  It's also a key component in many recent developments in using tea for cooking.  It adds a lovely bitter flavor and bright green color. 

Matcha salt is easy to make.  Combine the powdered tea with coarse see salt.  I first saw reference to it here and here (recipe).  I added cracked pepper into my blend. 

Mmm...Try this on poached eggs, popcorn, tomatoes, rice, or soup.  Warning - a little goes a long way!


  1. This sounds very interesting. Will have to give it a try.

  2. Fascinating! Where do you buy your matcha?

  3. Sounds yummy! Is this the same green tea used in ice cream?

  4. Marilyn - Mine was a wholesale sample. You might see if Harney&Sons has samples. If not, give Upton Tea a try.

    Kimberly - I'm not sure if this is the tea used in green tea ice cream, but if I find out I will let you know!

  5. Oh, I've had a can of matcha I've been wondering what to do with. Thanks for the great suggestion! (And the birthday wishes!)

  6. Mary Jane6:58 PM

    The matcha salt sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing this great idea, Steph! I think I will try it on deviled eggs.

    It is the same tea used in green tea ice cream and I have used it to make green tea sorbet, shortbread and French macarons.

    It makes everything the most splendid color of green!

  7. Wow, cool idea. Gotta get me some to try. Loved your tea shirt, too.

  8. Thank you for the idea! I was just listening to a segment on the Goodfood podcast, and they talked about using matcha.

  9. That does sound good - thanks for the links.

  10. I would not have thought this up on my own! =)

  11. Matcha salt goes really well on truffles too. Just a hint, the salt makes your mouth water. You will always be invited back when you bring them to dinner parties. Here's a matcha truffle recipe. My name is Alissa White and I am the owner/founder of Matcha Source. Hope you all will visit and check out our sweet and savory matcha recipes.


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