Friday, May 28, 2010

Necessary Luxuries

Necessary luxuries:  Flowers, candles and sunsets

I packed the candle, bought the flower within an hour of getting the keys to the apartment, and welcomed the sunset with open arms off my bedroom balcony!  Necessary luxuries that help me to relax and settle in as I wait for the DH and our stuff.

I'm camping in the new apartment now, and it's like an adventure (except with running water!) The DH is finishing the packing up and the stuff arrives later. 

The transition back into cubicle land has some advantages that I am recalling, like battery recycling and free drinks.

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Welcome to Oregon! It will be great to have you here.

  2. we were just speaking of you two and are thankful to hear you've arrived in your new area safely. will continue to pray the same for Tom. sending lots of love

  3. Glad to hear that you arrived safely and are settling in. Those little luxuries do make a big difference.

  4. What a beautiful sunset!

    Glad you arrived safely. Can't wait to read about what you find as you explore your new digs! :)

    Hugs and smiles!!!!!

  5. What a beautiful sunset to welcome you to your new home. May each sunset remind you that you are in God's loving care.

    Happy Memorial Day! Your flowers are very pretty.

  6. Oh, I'd been looking for a report on your new adventure! It's nice to know you're already feathering your nest again!


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