Thursday, June 24, 2010

Premium Steap Citrus Herbal

It's turned sunny, dry and warm with cool overtones in my new home in the Pacific Northwest.  Translation = heaven!  When the weather is so fine, I crave a refreshing brew, and the one that fits the bill this time is a tisane from Premium Steap

I am enjoying the Orange Grapefruit blend.  The dry mix is lovely to see and smell!  It includes orange, grapefruit, eucalyptus, hibiscus, lemongrass, bits of tangerine, and blackberry leaves. 

I've brought this into the office and am enjoying it regularly. Thanks to Sweetcakes for introducing me to this tisane.  She served it at a tea party, and I've been hooked ever since.

If you enjoy citrus, I think you will enjoy this tea!  I let it steep for 10 minutes because I like it tart.  I think it would also be tasty with honey.  I'm pretty sure it will be splendid over ice.


  1. Teafan11:48 AM

    Hey - great photos!

  2. It looks so beautiful --- and I am sure it tastes as nice.



  3. It is a beautiful tea!

  4. The tea sounds fascinating and so pretty. Love your glass teapot and warmer.

  5. I sometimes like a tart flavor myself, so thanks for the info! Beautiful teapot and warmer, BTW!

  6. I have walked by Premium Steap several times recently...typically I work one day a week in Philadelphia and my favorite coffee shop to work in (La Citadelle) is only a short walk from the Premium Steap store...I've been in there once but I was in a hurry.

    And the last thing I need now is to buy more tea...I'm overflowing with free samples!


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