Friday, June 04, 2010


I like this picture, because it plays with perception and permanence.  It's ephemeral, yet it lasts.  What is the foreground?  What is a reflection?  I like its depth and its not-quite-clearness.  It also represents how I feel right now.  In a transitional space.  Not quite here or there.  No quite grounded.  To borrow a phrase from a friend, I'm working on establishing my "new normal."

This transition has been both harder and easier than I imagined, both extremes in ways that I did not anticipate.  It's taken longer to reground myself.  I'm grieving the losses from this move.  Yet it's been shockingly easy to adjust to the back-to-the-office routine.  Life without a car has been no trouble (even fun!). 

It's a big mish-mash of stuff.  I ask myself:  What is the foreground? What is a reflection? I try to mine this depth and see into the not-quite-clearness.


  1. What a perfect picture to capture what's happening inside you these days!

  2. I don't think a move is ever easy. Your photo does capture that feeling.

  3. Welcome to the PNW. Hopefully all the rain won't scare you away. You are settled into my dad's old tromping grounds, I think. Lots of happy family memories related to those times and his place of employment. Blessings in your transition.


  4. I really know what you mean, as our move is only 10 days old. Since it wasn't very far, much is the same, but the angle is different. It is helped by the wonderful welcome we are receiving from neighbors, but I still can't find the cord to my tea pot.

  5. Moving is always an adjustment and you made a major one. I wondered how you would feel. I don't like to say this, but I always think it take up to a year to adjust. Looking forward to sharing tea with you soon.

  6. Thanks, all, for your thoughts and wisdom!


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