Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cherries in 3 Steps

Step 1:  Find an abandoned cherry tree and pick a lot!  (A mix of red and black cherries shown.)

Step 2:  Make this simple cherry syrup.  I used honey.

Step 3:  Serve with ice cream and live in the moment.


  1. Definitely, live in the moment with cherry syrup. That sounds so good. What a treat to find an them free.

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Oh my my that looks good. How could one think about anything other than this?

  3. Oh! That looks so very tasty. I am lucky enough to live in the top tart cherry growing state in the union. Just last week I canned several quarts of homemade cherry pie filling, as well as some half pint jars of cherry jam. I'm looking forward to enjoying them when it gets cold and all of the lovely fruits of summer are gone.

  4. I'm not a big fan of cherries but I think I would like this!

  5. This looks absolutely deelish! I LOVE cherries!

  6. I love finding abandoned/ignored fruit trees. I wrote about a wonderful cherry tree on the University of Delaware's campus, in my (other) blog's post on fruit trees as edible landscaping. I also, more recently, discovered a wonderful black cherry tree in a park just outside Lancaster Pennsylvania.


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