Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boxes and Tins of Tea

Boxes and tins of tea are so pretty and colorful!  I keep an eye open for the interesting ones.  Here are a few I've found...

Two spellings for tea, depending on which side of the tin you show. 
From Turkuaz in my beloved B-town.

An overwhelming number of choices at an Asian market

A marketing/art department with a sense of humor.
Found along the Oregon coast.


  1. It is fun to enjoy the wide array of boxes and tins for tea. I save some of them, but didn't realize I actually have a collection of tins. Now they are all together enjoying each others company. I wasn't purposely collecting, but just couldn't bear to throw them away. I guess we could just enjoy them on the store shelves. Very pretty.

  2. I can't imagine trying to pick just one tea in that Asian market. Be A Better Parent tea, Erase Your Past tea - hmmmmm.

    What a fun post and nice photos.

  3. How fun! I especially like those last ones!

  4. I've tried that tea in your first picture: My Review of Çaykur Earl Grey Tea. It's a loose Earl Grey from Turkey.

    It's not bad, especially given how inexpensive it is. It was the first (and so far, only) tea I have tried from Turkey.

  5. The last group are hilarious! Good find!


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