Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fisher Fair Scone

Fisher Fair Scones

I had not heard of Fisher Fair Scones until I picked up the mix from my local grocer's aisle and read the info on the side of the box.  Apparently Fisher scones have been served at fairs and festivals in the NW since 1915.  Any of my NW friends out there have stories to tell about these?  I'd love to hear them!

The boxed mix turned out well.  All it took was the mix, some water and some extra flour for the hand work.  (Warning:  These make sticky dough!)  The scones were light and fluffy and sweet.  If you want to whip them up from scratch, check out the original 1930's recipe (from Labour of Love's blog).


  1. Thanks for the link! I love scones and I love old recipes!

  2. These do look great!

  3. CO Tea Lover12:59 PM

    They are very tasty scones from the box.

  4. I have seen the package in the market, but don't know anything about them. Thanks for the head's up, now I will have to check them out.

  5. The Fisher Fair Scones look good. Thanks for the links - I'd like to try the original 1930's recipe.

  6. I am in HEAVEN! I am so glad you are my partner! Browsing around a bit to get a flavor of your life!


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