Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A New Lunch Bag

Even though I'm no longer living in a college town, fall seems like a new start to me.  I've had fun donating school supplies to a local drive.  And I wanted (and needed) a new lunch bag.  I whipped this one up from a pattern in this book.  I love the way it works and the size. You can see below that I was able to carry a sandwich, cheese stick, yogurt and container of granola.

The way the bag works is cool - the handles allow you to tie it off and secure everything snugly.  This works great for my bike commute. 

Now for those of you with a focus on details, you might notice my raw edges are showing.  I messed up.  Nonetheless, it works fine!


  1. How CUTE! The colors are perfect for FALL:)
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I really like your lunch bag! I also like that the edges are showing...if you wouldn't have said anything, I would have thought you did it on purpose.

  3. What a great lunch bag you made. I really like that Mary Engelbreit fabric you chose.

  4. What a great lunch sack Steph! We hope you & T and Mom have a great visit! Thinking about you :)

  5. I love the fabric and that is such a great idea!

  6. I love your new lunch bag! Very cheerful (Mary E.?) fabric, too!

  7. This is adorable! I'm glad you found some time for a little sewing! I hope you enjoy your matching, reusable sandwiches bags! :)

  8. Sweetcakes -they are awesome! Thank you!

  9. Love your new bag. What is it about fall that makes us want new school bags, lunch bags, and new paper and pencils. It is the child in us all, I think.


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