Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pleading the Case for Libraries

Two library cards are now in my wallet.  I'm so lucky! 

My local (county) library is an easy bike ride from our place.  Part of the ride travels along a multipurpose trail, next to a pine grove and past a pond. 

There are walking/biking paths around this lovely pond (in the middle of a high-tech/light industrial area).  That building in the background is the library.  The process of getting here is special, and the library itself is great. 

Good news for me, I can *also* get a library card for the big one downtown (tho it's in a different county).  Of course I wanted both!  Yesterday I picked up the second card for Central Library.  It's of the old, grande dame style.

Beverly Cleary (author of the Beatrice and Ramona books) grew up in Oregon and spent many of her school years in Portland.
One rainy Sunday when I was in the third grade, I picked up a book to look at the pictures and discovered that even though I did not want to, I was reading. I have been a reader ever since.

-- Beverly Cleary

Now let me plead my case, please...
I try to keep this blog my "happy blog" - and therefore I avoid politics (usually). However, I will make an exception for libraries.
The only true equalisers in the world are books; the only treasure-house open to all comers is a library; the only wealth which will not decay is knowledge; the only jewel which you can carry beyond the grave is wisdom.
- J. A. Langford
Libraries open doors for all people, offer far more than than they receive, and take us on thousands of journey.  Some of us will have ballot motions this fall, asking us to pay a little more to support our local libraries. Please vote in support of your library.   


  1. Put the library on my list of places Amy wants to visit when she comes to Portland. Looks magical. Both of them.

  2. Teafan10:38 AM

    Yes, let's vote with our dollars!

  3. The central library is beautiful. Sometime you must also visit the Beverly Cleary fountain in Grant Park. Great post!

  4. Libraries are my life blood and will always get my vote. I liked Beverly Cleary's comment on reading. When our kids were little, we kept a few mostly picture books in the bathroom that were too old for them to read. If they wanted to know about the pictures, they had to work on the captions. Voila - reading.

  5. WOW, you have certainly hit the library jackpot in your new town! And I absolutely agree, we *have* to support our libraries. That is definitely where I had a lifelong love (some might say "obsession") with books develop. I don't guess I've ever had library lust before, but seeing this post ... again, wow!

  6. Mary Jane3:59 PM

    Hi Steph,

    I love my libraries and they always get my vote when there is a levy on the ballot. Spending time at my hometown libraries was a wonderful way to spend my childhood and teen years. Now, whenever I travel, I frequently visit the local library in any town that has one. My favorite was the one in Notting Hill when we made our trip to London.

    I was also the lucky bidder on the beautiful old oak magazine rack that came from the Children's Room of my library and now serves to display tea books, magazines, calendars, and stationery in the gift shop at the Tea Room. The multi-drawer map cabinet that was purchased at the same auction is used for my stationery, printer papers and other paper items.

    Your libraries look wonderful. Have fun exploring all they have to offer. Your are fortunate to have them.

  7. Both libraries look great and it is nice that you can bike a scenic route to get to your local branch.

    My local library is moving into a brand new facility soon. I can't wait - it is a straight shot down the road from my house.


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