Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Horrible Cup of Tea

I had a horrible cup of tea yesterday, and it was made by none other than yours truly. The root cause: I was in a hurry.  It unfolded like this....

2 minutes between meetings, dash to the break room.
Get hot water and grab the first teabag I can get my hands on (Stash white/green blend). I don't normally drink tea bags - I have my own "stash" of loose tea, but I was in a hurry.

Steep tea for all of 15 seconds thinking, "I'm going to be late."  Toss teabag because I don't want oversteeped tea.  I'm in a hurry.

Toss in two ice cubes from the soda machine because I'm thirsty,  I'm in a hurry, and I don't have time to wait for it to cool.

Discover that tea is truly horrible.  Proceed to office anyway.  I'm in a hurry.

Join phone meeting a little late.  Try to calm myself by sipping horrible tea.  Cough and make faces.  Be grateful that I'm on the phone and not in person.  Push horrible tea to back of desk.   

Finish meeting without tea.  Finish day without tea.  Remind self - being in a hurry yields nothing but horrible tea!


  1. There is nothing more disappointing than being in the mood for something and having it NOT live up to the expectation! :(

  2. You just reconfirmed what we already knew... there is no such thing as a grabbing a quick cup of tea! We must take time for tea....

  3. Even though your tea was horrible, how you tell the story is very cute and enjoyable to read.

  4. I am sorry for your bad tea experience but grateful for your honest and humorous account of it! A worthy reminder for us all, no doubt!

  5. Cute, but sorry you had a horrible cup of tea. Yes, it is always a reminder to us when this happens to allow the time to make a good cup of tea and savor. Hope you made up for the horrible cup of tea later.

  6. I should say that I'm not blaming Stash! This is truly my fault. ;-)

  7. Sorry about your bad tea experience. I guess you really can't rush a good cup of tea.


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