Thursday, October 07, 2010

NW Tea Fest: Exhibit Hall

A very fun part of the NW Tea Festival was visiting with the vendors at the Exhibit Hall.  The offerings ranged from high-end teas to tea equipage, chocolates and cookies, teapots and cozies, and more.  Here is a list of the vendors and below are just a few snapshots...

Tea Lady of Olympia, Washington
 The Tea Ladies had an interesting and colorful array of tea pots, kettles and cups.  I loved the little white porcelain cups with rubber nubs in bright colors.

High-quality teas available for tasting

 It was fun to talk to the vendors and learn about what they offered.  Here, a rep from SA Japanese Green.

 A new product soon to be on shelves from Tao of Tea.  I really liked the RTD (ready-to-drink) Tulsi.

Otaku Tea is reaching out to new tea markets. From the program materials, "Otaku Tea is focused on making tea for the steampunk and cyber punk sub-culture. Gamers, Anime Fans and Geeks Welcome." Read more about steampunk, if you're interested.  I love innovation and wish this company all the best!


  1. It may interest you to know that the word "steampunk" was just added to the Oxford English Dictionary!

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I was invited to a steampunk ball a couple of months ago. I didn't get to go, but the photos my friend, Heather, took at the event looked very cool!

    Miss you!

    Amanda P.

  3. Thanks for your write up. Each of us learns different things; so it is fun to see what you saw at the festival. Steampunk, I didn't get that, but now I see it.

  4. @Amy - I did not know that, cool!
    @Amanda - If you ever go, I'd love to hear about it! (They have 'tea parties', too.)
    @Marily - So true! I loved your writeup, as well.

  5. The NW Tea Festival looked like a wonderful event. Thanks for the photos and intersting info with links. Now I can learn more about steampunk, etc.

  6. Oh, how fun! I *love* Steampunk (and am always surprised when others know what it is!). And those new tea products ... oh, I'd love to have been there!


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