Friday, November 12, 2010

Marmalady Marilyn

Meet Marmalady, also know as my friend Marilyn!  She writes a wonderful blog and has her own tea and jam business, Marmalady's.  (I'm currently loving the Cherry Amaretto jam.)

Marilyn has many talents, one is pattern design.  She offers a pattern for this vintage-styled cloche hat.  I have the pattern and look forward to showing mine, once I get it made.  I'll make one for me and one for my niece.

I made Marilyn's acquaintance through blogging, and we met in person for the first time two and a half years ago, when I was in Portland for a work trip.  Little did I know that I would one day be living here.  Thank you, Marilyn, for helping me to transition into my new home!


  1. What a fun tribute you have written! And isn't it great that a blogging friendship has transitioned into a welcoming new neighbor. I believe I can add that Marilyn is inspirational for many of us. And her Cherry Amaretto jam is my favorite! Can't wait to see the photo of you and your niece in your cloche hats. I can visualize the photo already, and it's a precious one!

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    As your mother, I can say I am thankful for all the nice people you have come to meet and become friends with in Oregon. It is still hard having you so far away.
    Miss you!

  3. Marilyn is a wonderful woman and consistently brings JOY to my life! Years ago she was my first 'tea swap' partner and the package of goodies she sent to me was filled with sweet surprises. Years later we were able to meet 'live and in person' for tea at Maryhill. I appreciate her so much! And I am so glad you've been able to meet her too!

  4. Wow! This is a surprise I wasn't expecting. Thanks so much, Stephanie. I can't wait to see your hats too.

  5. That hat is so you!! Can't wait to see it finished!

    Have fun at your tea party tomorrow!

  6. I can just picture you in that delightful hat. It is great that you and Marilyn met through blogging before your move.

  7. How lovely -- and what a great photo of Marilyn! I look forward to seeing the hat you end up making.


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