Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank You Tea

"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the hardest things about moving has been leaving some very close women friends in the Midwest.  And I'm so grateful that those friends remain close to me - let me praise email and Facebook!  I've come to learn that a network of supportive women friends is crucial.

And when I arrived in Portland, there was another group of women here who welcomed me into their company.  This has carried me through.  Without their companionship I would have been very lonely.  And so I recently had a "Thank You Tea" to offer my gratitude to four women that have made me feel part of a community .  And also thanks to my abiding friends - from coast to coast and in between, in the desert and in the mountains, in the plains and the cities.  Thank you!

Marilyn has written about the tea party in a lovely way, and I encourage you to visit her blog! 

For this special day, I used some of my favorite china dishes.  I served East Frisian tea and cranberry-walnut tea bread, along with fruit and cheese.  It was fun to host a tea party in our apartment.  The day was chilly and damp, perfect for a tea in front of my fireplace and to share the warmth of friendship.


  1. A tea party with new friends on a damp day sounds cozy and wonderful. I love that tea cup!

  2. I read Marilyn's blog as well...very nice and her pictures add a lot to it! This East Frisian tea sounds very'll have to make some when I visit (hopefully) in March! :)

  3. How *would* we make it in life without our women friends! And I think a "Thank You Tea" is the nicest of gestures!

  4. Your thank you tea sounds lovely. The china is very pretty and those mini bundt cakes look yummy.

  5. The mini bundt cakes were yummy as was everything else. It was a wonderful tea and I was thrilled to be a guest sitting by the fire.


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