Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Fire, Sun, Ice

Sitting at the counter, Portland Bijou Cafe

I love this image.  It's incomplete, a small snippet of life, yet it tells me a story:  Cafe, brunch, sunshine, weekend.  Actually, it tells me two stories.  The second story is based on color:  Fire, sun, ice, solstice. 

One of the things I've enjoyed most about this blog is that it's an avenue to work on my photography skills.  I've learned so much, and have so much yet to learn.  One thing is for sure, a good image tells a story. 

What story does this photo tell you?


  1. The first thing that hit me was color, then simplicity. Love it.

  2. The day is starting, anticipation of that lovely, cold juice awakening my mouth, slaking my thirst

  3. It tells me that someone has a great eye for composition! And it seriously makes me crave some fresh OJ and/or mango juice!

    And while I'm at it ... earlier this year I received a copy of a book that is way more "you" than "me," i.e., the sewing skills are up your alley and it has a theme I think you'll like. I'd love to send it to you if you'll send me your snail mail address. (angelamcrae at charter dot net) Thanks!

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    came across this and thought of this post - http://www.pictorymag.com/showcases/women/
    xo ellie

  5. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Your title makes me think of a nice cup of sun brewed iced tea :)


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