Thursday, March 24, 2011

I had the joy recently to attend a special tea event at McCormick & Schmick's, sponsored by the Tao of Tea.  These two organizations partnered to produce a FABULOUS tea menu, where tea was used in each course.  Oh, fun fun fun!  Yum, yum, yum!

Moroccan Mint Mojito

Jade Cloud Noodles

Chicken smoked over tea leaves and red rice cooked in oolong

Lapsang Souchong cream sauce

Chai Ice Cream

Compliments to the chef!


  1. Wow! Beautiful presentation... great menu.... thanks for sharing!

  2. How fun! I missed that. Would have loved attending. I thought I was on the Tao of Tea's email list, but guess not.

  3. Oh, everything sounds and looks SO delicious! What a fantastic event to attend! Thank you for sharing!!!

  4. This looks amazing! Glad you got to experience it.

  5. Mmmm! I would have loved to try that Chai Ice Cream! :)

  6. Your pictures are great - looked like a lot of fun.

  7. What a great tea event. The food looks delicious. I'll have to see if I can find a recipe for chai ice cream - yummy.

  8. Oh my stars -- what I wouldn't give to have attended this! Lucky you! Everything is presented beautifully and looks utterly delicious!


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