Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekends Simplified

Eat.  Ride the bike (Up, up, up the mountain). Eat. Put my feet up. Eat. Do the dishes. Sleep.
Eat. Ride the bike (Long). Eat.  Do laundry and prep for the week.  Eat. Sleep.
That sums up my weekends right now.

Only 6 weeks until I'm on sabbatical, and that means several things!
1 - A BIG BREAK from work, and I really need it.
2 - My mom, sister and niece come for a visit!
3 - The DH and I do a week-long cycle/camping ride (thus the training above).
4 - A long-awaited tea trip to Asia.  More on that later.

For now, I thought I'd show you a few of the seasonal things we're eating.  Since our weekends are pretty streamlined right now, and I'm burning some serious calories, eating is a focus.  ;-)

These individual rhubab pudding cakes were excellent!

And pizza!  It's actually a great recovery food when topped with lots of fresh veggies.  In this version, we've got green onion (from the garden), lots of greens (from the garden), mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, walnuts and cheese.  Our grocer carries dough in a plastic bag that we used in this pic.  Tonight, the DH is making his own whole wheat version.

I'm liking these streamlined weekends.  Keeps life simple.  What's a simple weekend look like for you?


  1. I am trying to think what a simple weekend looks like because all my days are weekends. The weekend sometimes just slides by. My favorite part of weekend is social, sharing time with friends and drinking tea.

  2. Yum, the pudding cakes and pizza look great!

    Summer is always a good reminder to me to simplify things so that I can spend more time outside, gathering with friends, or relaxing (or all three!). :-)

  3. Hmmm ... a simple weekend means: sleep a little later, watch a cooking show on TV, read, write, eat, repeat! (I work on freelance writing on the weekends, and I love it when that is ALL that is on the agenda!)


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