Monday, August 01, 2011

Ladybug Teaparty

My niece, putting dots on a red teapot to make a "Ladybug Teapot"
More details soon!


  1. Please tell me this isn't the same sweet child who was just a baby like, say, three months ago on here? But mercy, I'll bet it is! Time goes by so quickly. She's still adorable, and obviously being well-trained in what's important in life! ;)

  2. Oh her princess dress is precious. It was so special to have the opportunity to celebrate Ladybug Tea with her. What fun we had!

  3. Oh, Steph, I am sure this was just the most special tea party ever.
    Your little niece will have such special memories of this time with you. I am sure there is much more fun on the agenda!

  4. How precious and what fun!


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