Friday, August 05, 2011

Review: Brew Dr Kombuchas

Brew Doctor's Superberry Kombucha

Portland is a hotbed for kombucha, and I've been sampling my way through local brews.  My favorite is the Brew Dr line, by Townshend Tea.  The tea above, Superberry, is a gorgeous rose color.  This one, while very good, is on the sweet side.  I tend to prefer a "dry" version, so to speak.  I'm working my way through the entire line and enjoying it!

For your first time trying kombucha, go in with an open mind.  The flavors and experiences vary greatly, but most are tart with a hint of vinegar and a very light fermentation (fizz).

Kombuchas are touted to have many medicinal values.  I've not seen enough scientific evidence to make a claim, but I do try to ensure I'm getting a raw version. 

The Brew Dr kombuchas are lightly bubbly and refreshing, a great summer drink.

Have you tried this brand?  What did you think?  What about other kombuchas?


  1. Teafan12:15 PM

    What a gorgeous color! Looks like a rose wine.

  2. Someday I must go into Townshend and try kombuchas. For some reason they haven't sounded that good, but you do make a point. At least I should try it and since I go by this shop often it should be there.

  3. I've only tried the brand the health food store sells. It's bottled --- and many flavors. I love it!

  4. I am so excited to see this post! I recently came across a vintage book about kombucha, but I've never had it or known anyone who has. Until now!


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