Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Layout

Noon update:  Oh, blogger - you are such a tease!  I LOVED the  new dynamic layouts, but I'm back to my old ways (with a wider template) because the COMMENTs didn't work.  What blogger wants to live without comments?  I hope I'm just missing something.

I'm trying Blogger's new "Dynamic" layout.  It does several things for me, the most important:  It allows me to use larger photos without much fuss.  Yay!  It also gives YOU more control.  Play around with the options shown below to see which you like best (Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, etc.)


  1. Oh my! What a fabulous header on your blog!

  2. I like it! I've been thinking about doing away with a background on mine..And noticed your font is smaller?? I always wondered if mine was too big and then if I went smaller people couldn't read it! But looks like its great on yours!By George I might try it .. = )

  3. Your blog does look a bit nicer now; I've stuck with the default layout, with a few minor modifications, and I'm wondering if it would be good for me to make it look better.


I value your comments, thank you!