Monday, October 03, 2011

Beijing Market in the Morning

Now back to Beijing....Here's a morning market.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves, with this one story.  We learned that there are "two prices" for market shopping.  In the morning, the older folks buy.  The prices are better; they have time to haggle.  In the afternoon, the folks coming home from work are tired and hungry.  They're in a hurry, and they pay a higher price. 


  1. your pictures tell a wonderful story, too! Love it!

  2. Two prices at the market... I thought you were going to say one for the Chinese and one for foreigners. Loved the story your pictures told.

  3. That's fascinating about the price differences; so different from in the U.S. where you often pick up deals at the end of the day when vendors are trying to get rid of their excess stock.

    The pictures of the produce here are looking suprisingly familiar to me. I've become immersed in vegetables from other cultures, and I've been seeing more and more Chinese staples, and learning how to prepare them and cook with them. I also hang out in Chinatown a lot...I wonder how alien it would seem if I were over there?

  4. Amazing photos! Love seeing the beauty that surrounded you from the child to the traveler in the wheel chair and then the persimmons added so much color, I just love them!

  5. Your photos are amazing! You seriously have a gift of "seeing" things in the moment.


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