Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I just spent a wonderful weekend visiting friends in Denver.  Here are a few of the cool tea spots...

Chaibecca, a new company on the tea scene, gave out samples at the Denver Botanical Garden.

 Urbanistic Tea and Bike Shop. A perfect pairing!  Sip and wrench.

 Nanna's tea,  a wonderful breakfast, lunch and Sunday brunch spot, recently opened in its new location on 26th Ave.  We had a very nice golden bud tea and a breakfast of quiche, bran muffin and potatoes.

Wystone's is one of the reasons I believe tea is connecting with the younger generations.  This tea shop, located in the Belmar area, serves nice teas and tasty food.  I had egg salad, tea-roasted potatoes, and a pu-erh.  We both left with a green tea latte, too.

Denver has a lot going on in the world of teas, and I only scratched the surface.  Any other places you would recommend?


  1. Teafan8:36 AM

    Looks like a place I need to visit!

  2. I've never been to Denver (sad face) but I hope to visit my cousin there one day and will keep these spots in mind.

  3. I love chai. Send them this way.

  4. marthae11:22 AM

    What fun to read about these tea rooms with a different twist. The tea roasted potatoes sound wonderful. Did they just roast tea leaves with them or did they have a different techinque?

  5. Martha - I believe that they put the dry leaf in with the potatoes for the roasting. There were bits of tea leaf in with the other seasonings. It was yummy!

  6. How fun to visit new tea places in Denver. The potatoes and sandwiches looked so yummy! What a fun treat!
    I haven't been around Denver in awhile for tea. Have you been to Dushambe's in Boulder? There are several others in the Boulder area and I use to know the tea room owner of a place in Greeley.

  7. Looks like you visited some great places to take tea in Denver. I haven't heard of Chaibecca tea - I'd like to try it. Potatoes cooked with tea sound interesting too.

  8. Marilyn - I've never been to Dushanbe in Denver, but someday I hope to!

  9. I love your pic of our Chai Car and Chaicyle. I would love to send you some tea as a token of appreciation. I know your from the land of Chai, but I believe we offer something unique to the market. If your interested you can email me your address at Rebecca@chaibecca.com. You can also find us online at Chaibecca.com. Look forward to hearing from you!


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