Friday, November 04, 2011

Ling Di and Huang Shan Tea

Huang Shan tea field, tea plants in foreground with chestnut and pine trees

I want to spend a few days talking about tea in the Huang Shan region (Anhui province). Of the 10 Great Chinese Teas, 3 of them come from the Anhui . (If you expand that list to the top 20, it's 4 from Anhui.) This is a very important tea region, and I'm grateful to have stepped foot in its soil.  It's a lovely mountainous region, and will always hold a special place in my heart.  It's the fist place I picked tea.


Ms. Ling Di

I cannot tell the story of this region without introducing you to Ling Di.  She's a "got-it-together" kind of woman!  Not only does she have about 500 acres of tea, but she also runs a large tea supermarket, smaller specialty retail stores, and is part of Songluo Mountain Tea Factory where her tea is manufactured. She's responsible for tea tourism in the region, and she's a partner in the building of a conference center ( focused on the tea trade and tourism).  I enjoyed meeting her family, as well.  She is knowledgeable, kind and hard-working.  She's an inspiration to me!

Stay tuned - I'll be talking more about the teas produced in this region, Ling Di's enterprises and some amazing tea snacks!


  1. I can't wait to hear it all. Great photos. That first one brought back memories of our time in the mountains of Taiwan. We have been blessed!

  2. Love the tranquility captured in the first photo coupled with the promise of tea in the growing fields. Beautiful photos.

  3. I am so looking forward to the rest of the tale. I am so happy for you being able to do this.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anhui is on my list of must-visit tea places for my next trip to China! James

  5. Ling Di sounds like a neat woman! And your pictures are just amazing ... looking forward to seeing more!

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Wonderful post! I'm enjoying reading about your tea journey! Your photos are beautiful.


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