Thursday, November 24, 2011

A New Way to Serve Your Thanksgiving Dinner...

Happy Thanksgiving!  I thought you might want to consider this way of serving your Thanksgiving meal.  This was taken at a luncheon in Yunnan, China.  The servers are dressed in ethnic Yi clothing.

At this special lunch, we tasted several interesting foods including black-skinned chicken, a delicious pumpkin in sweet sauce, and white walnut juice (milk).  Donkey meat was also featured, as it is a traditional dish of this area, but I passed on that.  A few intrepid souls tried it, finding it gamey.

Here we are so that you can study the clothing in detail.
I'm so grateful I had the chance to take this awesome trip to China, Tibet and India! 

(To read all of my posts on this topic so far, click the "Asia Tea Tour" label on the right.)


  1. Love the video and that picture of you with the girls in costumes is so special. I would frame that one.

  2. Oh, Stephanie, I read this and just had to giggle when I imagined a whole roasted turkey being served on top of someones head. Pie might be okay though!

    Wasn't that lunch an interesting cultural experience! I am thankful for the opportunity to have shared all of those amazing experiences with you, dear Friend. I thought the donkey meat was interesting and found the white walnut juice quite tasty but have found neither in my local grocery ;-)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    Sending you hug.

  3. Sorry I didn't see your suggesetion on how to serve Thanksgiving dinner until after the fact... will have to consider it for next year. Oh, regarding the donkey meat, no thank you. When my sister and I were in Alaska, we ordered reindeer for a meal and found we couldn't eat that ~ thoughts of Rudolf and red noses kept popping into our heads. Although I don't associate a name with a donkey, still don't think I could do it. Hope your Thanksgiving was festive!

  4. I could be thankful for everything but the donkey meat!


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