Friday, December 02, 2011

Introducing: Dainty Dining

Dainty Dining: Vintage recipes, memories and memorabilia from America's department store tea rooms

I am incredibly excited to share with you a new book, released by a long-time blogging friend, Angela McRae of Tea with FriendsI'm so pleased to be a part of the book release blog tour.

Angela sweetly sent me a copy of the book, and I devoured it in one sitting!  It's a fun way to learn about our country's history in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  You'll read inspiring life stories and hear echoes from a time when ladies put on gloves to go shopping, and then to tea!  You'll see historical photos of what the stores and tea rooms looked like in their day.  You'll be tempted by delicious recipes from the luncheon and tea menus.  For example, find instructions to make Seafood Newburg, Chicken a la King, and many types of pie (chicken, rum, strawberry, and on!).

Dainty Dining chronicles the stories of these beloved department store tea rooms, how they came to be, their owners, unique atmospheres, and specialty recipes. 

Sadly, by the time I was born, the glory days were gone for department store tea rooms.  I have been lucky enough to take tea at the Rotunda at Neiman Marcus in San Francisco.  (This is a salvaged portion of the original beaux-arts building, The City of Paris Dry Goods.) I also visited the reproduction L.S. Ayres Tea Room at the Indiana State Museum.  Now, with Dainty Dining in my hands and a cup of tea at my side, I fill my head with visions of a time gone by.

Do you have stories about department store tea rooms?  I'd love to hear them!

More info:
  • The Dainty Dining blog, with purchase information
  • Find recipes from the book at this newspaper article


  1. this looks like an interesting book.

    My aunt used to love to lunch at Higbees after we shopped there.

    Higbees was a department store in Cleveland.

    All gone...

  2. Esme - Higbee's is included, along with its cinnamon muffin recipe.

  3. Teafan1:44 PM

    Sounds like a great companion to the book, Tea at the Blue Lantern Inn.

  4. No stories, but for knowing they were there and wishing. I did very much enjoy reading Angela's book.

  5. Margie T4:25 PM

    This sounds like a delicious book!

  6. I believe I've already said this to you elsewhere, but I did want to say again that I so appreciate the post about my book, and most of all I'm just so pleased to know you *enjoyed* it! (And I hope you know I'll be here cheering when YOUR first book comes out!)


I value your comments, thank you!