Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bed Tea at Glenburn

The view from my bed at Glenburn Tea Estate

I woke my first morning at Glenburn to a light tap at the door.  Bed tea had arrived!  A wonderful Glenburn Autumnal Darjeeling tea, a few delectable cookies, delicate china, and a view like none other.  Oh, it was heaven!
Bed tea!

Just a few nibbles to start the day (breakfast is coming soon)

The view out my window

The sun porch adjoining our room, a peaceful place to take in the morning

The long veranda

After leisurely taking my tea in bed, I rousted myself to meet my traveling companions for breakfast on the veranda.

Flowers grown on the estate

Meals at Glenburn are extended affairs.  I love that people take the time to have polite conversation and meaningful discussion without rushing to the next thing.  In addition to the delicious conversation, we breakfasted first on fresh fruit, oatmeal and granola.  Then we had scones with cream and two types of marmalade:  pomelo (my favorite, grown onsite) and orange.  Next came the savories, with made-to-request eggs, broiled tomatoes, and avocados (also grown onsite).  In addition to more Darjeeling tea, we drank fresh squeezed orange juice.

The bed tea and breakfasts at Glenburn are among my favorite (of many favorite) memories.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Oh my goodness! That sounds heavenly. Thank you for the photos and the review. It is the next best thing to being there.

  2. Oh wow! Simply. exquisitely. perfect.

  3. Teafan7:31 AM

    AWESOME! You look so cute, too.

  4. Oh my, it looks like a tealover's dream!

  5. And whoever would want to leave this lovely place?!

  6. Oh, Val - it was hard!!

  7. Indeed it was difficult to leave. When we looked it up online before our tour we had already come to that conclusion. And our expectations were exceeded.

    Ahhh, bed tea!!! Being pampered is certaily one of the best parts of being a guest at Glenburn. They will also try to fulfill any request that you have. Hospitality at its finest! A level of service that few venues can boast. Steph, you said it well!!!

  8. This sounds dreamy! Bed Tea! Never heard of it, but now I'm thinking, "Must try it." No wonder this was such a memorable part of your trip!

  9. How delightful! Thanks for sharing your lovely experience!

  10. Gorgeous, gorgeous! Love it! Want to go there and have bed tea and breakfast on the veranda. The view was spectacular and beautiful too! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  11. What a lovely experience...and you look cute in the morning!! Must be all that tea drinking! (SMILES) Looks like a magical place...

  12. It relaxed me just looking at the pictures. What a perfect place to rejuvinate!

  13. How beautiful upon the mountain. It reminds me so much of the view from my grandmother's porch, looking over a vally to the mountains beyond. I am so glad you got spoiled - couldn't happen to a nicer person.

  14. How fabulous! Love, love, love that view too!

  15. Colleen6:27 PM

    Aah, the bed tea! It definitely was one of the highlights of the Asia Tea Tour! So nurturing, enveloping and cosy, like a plush bathrobe. Thank you for the lovely memory.

  16. Breakfast on the veranda sounds wonderful. Enjoying good food, friendly conversation and gorgeous views - what a perfect start to the day.

  17. Wow - I so want to go to this place - it looks gorgeous!

  18. This looks simultaneously cozy and decadent!



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