Thursday, January 05, 2012

My Word for 2012: Breathe

"Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile..."
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Last year, I chose the word JOY as a focus.  I learned so much, particularly how easy it is for me to find joy, but also how hard it can be to maintain that joy.  I want to deepen this effort, and I've learned that BREATHING helps me maintain my joyful state.  When I'm faced with a challenge, something not going my way, a fear, I want to take a moment - pause and breathe.  Breathe!

And this is my new calendar for the year!  :-)

* Thanks to my superwoman friend in AZ for the calendar photo!


  1. And notice the tea bowls! Aren't those great?

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    It's perfect! And it connects your words together. I can't wait to see your first "sentence" formed in a few years. And yes, I love the tea bowls, too. --Jen

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Hello! Yes, that is indeed a good word choice to meditate on. And I love the quote you featured in this post!

  4. What a perfect calendar picture, word, and quote.

  5. How pretty! Beautiful quote... tranquil calendar... love the tea bowls. Interesting word of the year... something so essential to life yet something we all take for granted. Will be interesting to see how the word unfolds throughout the year.

  6. Now that's a great (and rather unique) word, and I will look forward to hearing how you focus on "breathe" in the year ahead!

  7. I've also been thinking about breathing; I have a post about an NPR program on mindfulness, which I have not yet shared but I hope to post which I talk about breathing, among other things. =)


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