Sunday, February 19, 2012

Red Robe Teahouse

The Red Robe Teahouse

There's a new teahouse and cafe in Portland, The Red Robe.  The location, at NW Davis and NW Third in Chinatown, is conveniently near the Chinese Garden and the MAX (light rail).  

Pearl, preparing my tea

Co-owner Pearl and her daughter welcomed me and prepared my tea.  It was a sunny day and I enjoyed my window seat view.  I felt at-ease and took time to write in my journal while nibbling on the dumplings and sipping the tea. 

I chose a 2006 Menghai Imperial Pu-erh.  I was impressed with the selection of other teas.  It's a cultivated offering, with four options in each category of green, oolong, black and pu-erh.  Choose one of two styles, a teacup infuser or gongfu preparation.
Gongfu style tea

I overheard a customer inquire about tea-to-go.  I was VERY impressed to hear that yes, tea could be taken out, but the options were limited to the lychee black or jasmine pearls.  The other teas would not lend themselves to positive brew-and-go experiences; they are meant to be enjoyed with multiple infusions.  Thank you to these small business owners who prioritize the customer's experience with the tea! 

Pearl's collection of "tea pets."  When you pour hot tea or water over them,
a bubble emerges from their lips.

If you are able to visit, I think you'll enjoy the experience.  Have some tea and a snack, lunch or dinner.  Browse the pretty tea things for sale, and ask Pearl about her love of "tea pigs." 


  1. I have peeked in the window, but it has always been closed. Thanks for this post. I really must visit here sometime soon.

  2. Lovely tea pets. Tea house looks lovely as well.

  3. PuErh Tea is best of Chinese tea!

    A cup of PuErh Tea after each meal can effectively stimulate your metabolism and accelerate fat decomposition. Long-term drinking PuErh Tea can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, so the long-term consumption of PuErh Tea has the function of the treatment of obesity.

  4. Oh, I would *love* to visit this teahouse! And I do like puerh tea, so it would have been lovely to experience it in this setting!

  5. Looks like a great place!

  6. I've never seen tea pigs before! Looks like a great place ~ thank you for sharing.

  7. What a lovely tea establishment. So nice to experience tea in all its cultures.


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