Monday, March 26, 2012

Meatless Monday 1

 Sauteed black trumpet mushrooms on fresh watercress, with bok choy flowers

I've signed up to be a Meatless Monday blogger.  Our household is predominantly meatless, and I thought it would be fun to share some of the meals we enjoy (prepared mostly by the DH, dear hubby).  We choose this way of eating in concern for the environment, along with our health. Plus, we both love vegetables and greens - it's a delicious way to live!

Today's meal is a simple one, prepared by yours truly (for my family - I know, a shock!).  I picked up some cress and mushrooms at a recent farmer's market.  I simpled washed and tore the cress.  Then I sauteed the mushrooms in olive oil and a bit of white wine.  That's it - no salt, no nothing.  I sprinkled the flowers on top and it became this beautiful, healthy, seasonal meal.

I hope you'll share with me some of your favorite meatless meals, too!

About Meatless Monday, from its website:
"Meatless Monday is a non-profit initiative of The Monday Campaigns, in association with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health. We provide the information and recipes you need to start each week with healthy, environmentally friendly meat-free alternatives. Our goal is to help you reduce your meat consumption by 15% in order to improve your personal health and the health of the planet.

Presidents Wilson, Truman and Roosevelt galvanized the nation with voluntary meatless days during both world wars. Our intention is to revitalize this American tradition. We’re spearheading a broad-based, grassroots movement that spans all borders and demographic groups. By cutting out meat once a week, we can improve our health, reduce our carbon footprint and lead the world in the race to reduce climate change."


  1. I love Meatless Monday and their website ... some nice recipes!

  2. I enjoy Meatless Monday's (and every other day of the week too!). I'm glad that the MM movement has brought significant attention to this way of living and eating.

    This week-end I watched several DVD's (Dr. Fuhrman/PBS) where he talked about health and a plant based diet. One key tip that I'm resolving to incorporate more into my lifestyle is MUSHROOMS! He cited studies that show that just one button mushroom a day creates significant protection against breast cancer. Coupled with a cup of green tea a day, the protection increases even more. Pretty cool!

  3. Awesome! A fellow tea lover who does Meatless Mondays! I've been vegetarian for 15 years but my husband just finally made the plunge about 2 1/2 months ago. :) It's great for so many reasons...our health, the environment, our budget, supporting local farmers (love those farmer's markets!)

    Thanks for tuning me in to the Meatless Monday website!

    Have a TEA-rrific week!

    Sheri :)

  4. @ Snap - Yes, it's a great website! I'm so glad I found it.

    @ La Tea Dah - COOL to know that about mushrooms! And of course our beloved tea!

    @ Prim Rose Hill - So nice to meet you@

  5. There was a time some years back when the economy was not so good that many initiated meatless meals once a week. One recipe that we still love from that time is cheese enchiladas.

  6. We've been vegetarians off and on over the years. Not at the moment, but we often have meatless meals, especially in the summer. We joined a CSA this year, so I am thinking it will be even easier to do so.

  7. I would love to have that beautiful creation on a plate in front of me right now, Steph! Of course, I can not resist anything with flowers on it and it looks delicious.

    May I suggest:

    How about big portobello mushrooms marinated for one hour in:

    1/4 cup olive oil
    3 tablespoons chopped onion
    4 cloves garlic, minced
    2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

    Grill, serve on french bread with sundried tomato pesto and fresh lettuce leaves (or other toppings of your choice). Sublime.

    Can't wait to cook with you in my kitchen!

  8. @ Marilyn - Mmmmmm!
    @ Marlena - It will be fun to learn of what you do with your CSA box.
    @ Amherst Rose - OK, I can see this being a future post!

    Thank you all for your comments!


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