Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tea Towels, Basket and Puzzle

Angela, over at Tea with Friends, is talking today about tea towels she found at Kmart and Ross.  Her post reminded me of these lovely ones I spied recently at anthropologie.
Anthropologie "tea" towel on the far left

I was browsing through a store in Portland called Cargo and stumbled across this lovely little tea set in a basket. Takes me back to when I was about 7 and I had a baby doll in a basket.  Loved it and love this!
Teapot in a basket 

You may recall this great puzzle I received as a Christmas gift.  Well, it's been completed for several weeks. I did most of the edging and a few (very few) of the center pieces.  The DH did the rest!  Are you a puzzler?  I've learned the motto, "Just one more piece!"

The finished masterpiece


  1. My mom and I always had a puzzle going during the long winter months. Way back when, our favorite was 'hugging horses'; but I'm certain this beautiful teapot puzzle would have been a favorite!

  2. Loved all the tea items in your post today! Are you going to frame the teapot puzzle?

  3. Phyllis - I decided to disassemble and share with a friend. :-)

  4. Hi Steph! Thanks for the puzzle update. It looks like you and the DH had fun with it.
    Isn't it just great when you are out and about and happen upon tea treasures?

    Have a happy day.

    Mary Jane

  5. Thanks so much for the link and also for the tip about Anthropologie, as my eye went straight to that tea towel on the left! And luck you to have your DH to complete the puzzle for you!

    P.S. I got the LOVELY stationery in the mail and adore it! It also inspired me on what to do with last year's calendar, so thanks!

  6. we plan to have a 2012 darjeeling first flush online tea tasting session .. any ideas on how we can work on it and have more and more people participate so we can make people aware of single estate high end darjeeling rare exclusive teas ... also more and more discussions would help us interact with each other ... thank you! ankit lochan -

  7. The puzzle does look fun. Now I really must get busy. Love seeing the tea basket and tea towels too. Anthropologie does have fun tea things quite often.

  8. I have been known to stay up to ridiculous hours of the night (morning) to finish a puzzle. Love them!

  9. Lovely post; it is nice to stumble on tea items when not looking for them. Anyhow, I maintain a blog on this site not to do with teas but to do with stuff on my mind; the town I reside in and general. As well as I began a tea blog on Wordpress com; to do with sharing tea with me (ainee). I review tea on steepster for a year now; it was to be for a book project and some suggested that I try blogging.
    Since I began blogging I see many similarities, not seen a year prior. Nothing is original or so it seems familiar but we are all honestly working hard at being and keeping it original.

    Question was raised about Darjeeling tea tasting and getting the word out to participating online. This website is good venue for discussing all things to do with teas. Some may know of this:

    janice or Holly B are the moderator/owner of the site.

    Otherwise, be well. The web makes it so easy to track and no what folks are up to; those in the know how of back ends of things. I merely know how to use applications. not more and currently my blog page on blogger does not reflect or want to load the March post; but reflect February; most strange since it worked fine Jan, Feb each and every post. What is different is that I am using a cell phone camera as opposed to my old Fuji camera which does not load the film anymore. Other wise my post is done by me same way each time prior. not sure what the problem is. This Steph forum for her cup of tea; not for my griping and taking things to personally.

    She submitted article on citrus bergamot around time I was reading up on the history of mafia and came across article to do with Bergamot citrus fruit and the oil used for the Earl of Grey tea. Just coincidence and yet I don't see it as such.

  10. I always had a puzzle going during the long winter months. Way back when, our favorite was 'hugging horses'

    micro fiber towels


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