Sunday, April 08, 2012

Cherry Blossom Season

Everything's coming up pink around here!  From the soft pink cherry trees (above) to the hot pink azaleas to the pink-purple tulips. Yesterday I made cherry-blossom inspired scones (whole wheat). 

Happy Easter, Passover greetings, and joyous Spring!


  1. I love the renewal that comes with Spring. Your scones look yummy!

  2. What a beautiful cherry tree! I love how it drapes so gracefully.

  3. Where's the recipe? :)

  4. Happy Easter, STeph!

  5. Tammy - It's a basic "cream scone" recipe and I replaced the regular white flour with whole wheat, and added a bit extra liquid. I also reduced the sugar. Any basic scone recipe will do.

  6. That blossoming tree is amazing~
    Just yesterday our cherry trees are starting to open their blossoms. A few more days and they will be beautiful. Love this time of year. The cherry on the scone is pretty.

  7. Hello neighbor, Thanks for the warm greeting this morning. I'm so loving it here having moved from So California. I can't wait to be settled, caught up with work, and then do some exploring.

  8. As you can imagine, I am *loving* all this pinkness!


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